Saturday, August 31, 2019

Don Juan by Gorge Gordon Byron

English poetry offers us an astonishing variety of plots and scenes. Their impressive scope and sophistication attract the reader’s attention from the first words. It’s possible to find anything in this poetry- it answers even the most demanding taste. In an engaging and accessible style English poems show different events or feelings which the authors are expressing. It depicts many astonishing scenes which help us to develop our imagination and give us an extraordinary basis for further intellectual development.There are many outstanding English poets whose works have very much attracted my attention but I was the most overwhelmed by Gorge Gordon Byron’s works. His poems all appear masterpieces which strike us by their creative thought and meaning. George Gordon Byron’s epic poem â€Å"Don Juan† has a very complicated plot, and there are very many issues which are raised by the poem. In order to get a full grasp of the poem, it’s very impor tant to stop at all the main themes. It’s impossible to narrow the scope of all the issues raised by the poem into a few of them because there are plenty of them.Even though many investigations of â€Å"Don Juan† have been made, we are still incapable of answering what main meaning the poem carries in itself- whether it’s a poem about love and romance, or it’s an attack upon Lake poets against whom Byron was always fighting, or this poem is primarily a social commentary. Some critics argue that this poem may very well be the description of the Fall of the Man, or Byron’s own attempt of self-therapy because some scenes depicted by Byron is Don Juan turn out to have analogy with scenes from Byron’s own life.Don Juan in many aspects shows Byron’s existentialist views. He goes away from Calvinist philosophical view of things and goes to a much more complex existentialist view which includes studying of a man’s consciousness, his fe elings and emotions, among which there is always alienation, anxiety, and angst. However, unlike all the existentialist philosophers who are going to follow Byron in some time, his philosophy in Don Juan is expressed in a different way.If Sartre, Kierkegaard and other existentialists argue that there is no God because belief for him has died in people’s minds, that people are totally lonely in this cruel world, Byron’s existentialist vision is a theistic one and he is encompassing a compassion for humanity as a greater whole. Byron also deals with themes of alienation and angst which all humans are experiencing but he is not mad at the whole world for that, unlike other existentialists. The poem also deals very much with literature critics of Byron’s times, and through his own creative work Byron does his best to show his attitude to some poets.Byron’s satire helps him to hit the target of the necessary poets very easily. Don Juan is a â€Å"literary man ifesto† to Byron’s age in which he â€Å"vigorously attacks the literary pretensions† of Romantic poets of his time. According to Jerome J. McGann, â€Å"The point of Don Juan is to clarify the nature of poetry in an age where obscurity on the subject, both in theory and practice, was becoming rampant and†¦ developed from the increasing emphasis upon privacy and individual talent in Romantic verse† (McGann, 78).In the â€Å"Dedication† in which Byron provides all the attacks on the Lake poets, he shows lots dissatisfaction by the works of Bob Southey whom he considers very insolent and untalented, unable to create any outstanding works: Bob Southey! You're a poet–Poet-laureate, And representative of all the race; Although 'tis true that you turn'd out a Tory at Last-yours has lately been a common case; And now, my Epic Renegade! what are ye at? With all the Lakers, in and out of place? A nest of tuneful persons, to my eye Like â€Å"fou r and twenty Blackbirds in a pye†¦ (Byron, â€Å"Dedication†) Bob Southey is not the only poet on who Byron performs an attack.He stands against all the principles on which the Lake poets’ poetry is based and argues that their creative work is useless: I would not imitate the petty thought, Nor coin my self-love to so base a vice, For all the glory your conversion brought, Since gold alone should not have been its price. You have your salary; was't for that you wrought? And Wordsworth has his place in the Excise. You're shabby fellows–true–but poets still, And duly seated on the Immortal Hill. (Byron, â€Å"Dedication†) One of the reasons of Byron’s attacks upon Lake poets is that his Romantic contemporaries didn’t not give credit to Pope who was Byron’s idol.This attitude to Pope, according to Byron, showed those poets’ â€Å"neglect of the rules of proprietary in verse, a neglect which carried over to the debasem ent of political and ethical ideas† (Bloom, 1). Byron’s ideal was traditional poetry and was fighting against any imagination which appeared in the poems of romantic Lake poets. He stood against depiction of romantic feelings in the poems and brining imagination into it. The satire turns out a very effective weapon in the hands of Byron because it serves as Byron’s qualifying device for his theme of appearance versus reality, which is the opposite to the outlook Lake poets were expressing.The idea that things not always appear what they seem is central in Byron’s outlook. This view of reality is shared by Kant, too, who was arguing that things were actually things-in-themselves, and we could see only the reflection of them. Byron agrees in that with Kant and shows in Don Juan that we cannot grasp the true meaning of reality, we don’t know what the things are originally. This outlook which Byron represents gives us an idea that the alleged cynicism i n Don Juan is only a facade which is covering a much more important issue.The idea that Byron’s Don Juan is Byron himself and thus the poem turns out autobiographical, can be proved by some factors. In a letter to his publisher Byron said the following: â€Å"The truth is that [the poem] is TOO TRUE†. Byron’s childhood is very similar to the childhood of his character Don Juan. Even the characters in the poem are very similar to some people with whom Byron was connected- Byron’s Father, Captain John Byron turns out Don Jose, while Donna Inez, like Byron’s mother, becomes â€Å"repression personified† (Tate, 90-1).This leads to the conclusion that all the feelings which Byron was depicting in the poem as the feelings of Don Juan, can be considered his own feelings, as well as all the events which were going in the life of Don Juan. We can see Byron himself talking to us through the character of Don Juan. The hero of the poem is introduced in the Canto the First in the following way: I want a hero: an uncommon want, When every year and month sends forth a new one, Till, after cloying the gazettes with cant, The age discovers he is not the true one;Of such as these I should not care to vaunt, I'll therefore take our ancient friend Don Juan, We all have seen him, in the pantomime, Sent to the Devil somewhat ere his time. (Byron, ‘‘Dedication†) However, that is how Byron represents himself and what his perception of his own self is. He certainly takes the plot from the pantomime which is claimed to have appeared earlier than Byron wrote his Don Juan. At the same time, the resemblance of characters which we were talking about above is impossible to be argued about.In Don Juan Byron, according to Tate’s view, â€Å"depicts the formative events of his life, his experiences as son and husband, but so thoroughfully rearranged as to raise a private past into a public fiction† (Tate, 94-5). The impu lses behind some rearrangement of facts which Byron has in Don Juan are the key to the poem because in such a manner he is doing his best to do 2 things at a time: first of all, show the events from his childhood and marriage, but at the same construct a kind of an ideal, make all the events which happened to him more perfect than they originally were.Byron is trying to show the events not in the way they were happening in reality but in the way which he would like them to happen. This peculiar approach can be explained very easily- in such a manner Byron is trying to prove to himself that he is the master of his own life, that he can decide what is going to happen in his life and what he doesn’t want in it. Instead of giving the story of Don Juan as a myth about which everybody knows, Byron makes a completely different attempt because his goal is to give a psychological sketch of the effects of environment on character.If Byron just decided to write a poem simply based in th e famous plot which everybody knows, there would be nothing outstanding in that. On the contrary, his poem is a masterpiece because he has managed to show a complicated character which is influenced by outside environment. Don Juan appears to be manipulated by women and his tragedy is that he moves from the figure of one mother to another. Just like Inez was a social and psychological peer for Don Juan, Julia becomes a parental substitute for him.Julia embodied the hatred of Byron’s mother for her husband, and the hated husband is very willingly replaced by the more easily dominated son. â€Å"Alfonso’s relationship with Inez and the chance of his being Juan’s actual father, or at least old enough to substitute as the father symbol in the exclusive ‘only mother’, ‘only son’ affliction, sets up an oedipal configuration between these three characters, which is further complicated by the possibility that Julia is ‘sister-mother to J uan† (Tate, 94-5).All the complications which happen in Juan’s life, when he is unable to understand what he is doing right and what wrong make him escape from the motherly manipulations of both women. Their attitude to Juan represents an external threat to his sexuality, so the only thing which is left for him to do is escape. The scenes of Canto 1 enable us to make a very important conclusion: in Byron’s poem Don Juan appears as an innocent man despite the traditional vision of Don Juan’s character which is depicted in myths.If in the other versions of Don Juan plot the general idea about Don Juan is that he is the one causing troubles for women and making their lives miserable, Byron’s Don Juan appears as a different image. He is the victim in the process, not the women depicted. He is the one who suffers and is forced to escape in order to find a happier future.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Land Use around the world

Land Use Around the World Created by Jennifer Papacy This assignment Involves you playing a game online, so you will have to open a separate browser or tab to access the website and have uninterrupted time and Internet access to complete. Make sure your read the assignment first to see what you need to focus on, as you will have to do a write up on what you observed. The website is www. Guessers. Com and you can play as many times as you want for freely Each game consists of 5 rounds of where you have to guess where in the world oh are, so play for a while to get used to the controls, and take your time to really explore the locations.Guessers uses the Google Road view imagery to drop you somewhere in the world where you can navigate and explore, and you have to guess where and then click on the world map on the right hand side(you can zoom in) and select exactly in the world where you think it is. It will then tell you how close you were, and then continue on to the next location, f or a total of five rounds per game. The point of this assignment is not to see how good you are at guessing, but to have oh examine land use differences In locations you are dropped Into.Make sure you have reviewed the chapter 12 concepts on land use so you can answer the following questions while demonstrating your knowledge and understanding of those concepts. Also make sure you write down exactly where you were for the assignment! Load the answers into the assignment by either cutting and pasting into the text box or uploading as a link. This is worth a maximum of 50 points, and you will be graded on completeness and demonstration of knowledge of concepts on land use and other lass concepts.After playing for a while, select and tell me the exact two locations you visited that have different land use patterns and compare and contrast in a mini paper/essay explaining if you think the areas have had good land use planning or not, and which area you would rather live and why. Answer at a minimum the following questions In the assignment and Incorporate concepts from the book and class on land use and other topics we have covered (water, energy, etc. ): Intensity of land use with descriptionDid they develop well with the landscape and resources (was it well planned or after the fact) Is area one of the following or something else, with reasons listed why: Suburb, Ribbon Sprawl, Leapfrog Development, Tract Development, urban, Rural, Slum, Farmland? Population Density? Economic factors- do you feel this area is affluent or not, why or why not? Aesthetic Issues? Transportation/infrastructure observed and overall condition Natural Resource condition- do you think the ecosystems are healthy there? What seems good, what seems degraded? Water resources adequate?Other resources? What do you think the ecological footprint of residents would be(low, mid high) and why? Would you live here, why or why not? What could be done to Improve land use planning In this area, or how would you have done It differently? For some of these questions you may have to make a judgment call but explain why you think what you did, I. E. Any evidence. Land Use around the world By Tweets This assignment involves you playing a game online, so you will have to open a internet access to complete. Make sure your read the assignment first to see what ere!Each game consists of 5 rounds of where you have to guess where in the world you examine land use differences in locations you are dropped into. Make sure you following questions in the assignment and incorporate concepts from the book and Suburb, Ribbon Sprawl, Leapfrog Development, Tract Development, Urban, Rural, here, why or why not? What could be done to improve land use planning in this area, or how would you have done it differently? For some of these questions you may have to make a Judgment call but explain why you think what you did, I. E. Any evidence.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Asylum Seekers Essay Example for Free

Asylum Seekers Essay I have chosen to do my discursive essay on asylum seekers. I will try to separate lies from facts. I had to think carefully about this topic as there are so many different views on asylum seekers. I also opted to look into asylum seekers because I found that they are an extremely oppressed group. I will give pros and cons on asylum seekers and try to balance out my argument. The impact and influences people in power have on the mass media is tremendous. Together with the negative media coverage, asylum seekers have been given such a bad image. International asylum law defines an asylum seeker as someone who seeks asylum in a foreign country because of war, violence or out of fear of persecution. Only after the recognition of the asylum seekers protection needs, he or she is officially referred to as an asylum seeker and enjoys asylum seeker status, which carries certain rights and obligations according the receiving country. Over the last four years there have been 138,530 asylum seekers in the UK alone. There are many claims about asylum seekers that give them this – Britain is known for asylum seekers to do what they want wherever and whenever they want; but asylum seekers are not allowed to claim welfare benefits in the UK. I found out about forty organisations working with asylum seekers and it says that 85% starve because they have no food to live on and 95% cannot afford to buy clothes or shoes and 80% are not able to maintain a good healthy life. I also found out that nine out of ten asylum seekers will pretend to be in danger to get into Britain. Over half of asylum seekers in the UK are given permission to stay here. The ideas that are often portrayed of asylum seekers are not just ones of foreigners trying to get into Britain but sometimes asylum seekers are accused of being criminals. I found out that having fled danger in their home country asylum seekers are more likely to become victims of crime in the UK .Most asylum seekers that come to Scotland think that it’s amazing, outstanding some even say paradise. This shows us the impact and difference it actually has on their life. In Afghanistan you wouldn’t be able to go a walk, go out with friends for a while like you do here; there are bombs going off, dead bodies lying around the streets and you would hardly see any of your friends and family. Most of them don’t even go to school whereas in the UK they love going to school even though most of us hate it, they love the fact that they are learning and are getting an education but a down point to going to school over here is that they would have to learn English and know it really well if not then they would find it very difficult. Some say that Scottish are the best people ever and they feel so welcomed when they come here. The list could go on. In Afghanistan they would have to have an arranged marriage where they have no say on what happens and when it happens. Whereas here in the UK they can get married whenever they want and whatever age they want they might not even get married. It would be their own choice. On the other hand people in Scotland /UK don’t think about all those horrible things that happen in Afghanistan. Some people just presume because they’re not from here or had a different coloured skin that they are terrorists. Some are even scared. And some even bully them because they are a different race or have lost a family member. We dont think of what we actually have†¦ fully educated and we can do a lot more things that they can’t do. When they come to the UK most asylum seekers would do anything for a job they think that British people are so lucky to live a as they say a normal life, but the downside to that is they take jobs away from local people which makes them more angry. Some UK citizens can’t tell the difference between asylum seekers and illegal immigrants they are discriminated against because of this. Some asylum seekers can make a positive contribution to the economy and local community by having a special talent and can help out. To summarise the discusion of asylum seekers is that there a lot of different views on them. There are so many pros and cons but I have only chosen ones I thought stand out and give good evidence. It’s really yourself that needs to decide what you think on asylum seekers, other people may think different from you but it’s you own opinion and not all asylum seekers are the same. Asylum Seekers. (2016, May 26).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


THE AMERICAN AND BITISH RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE EGYPTION PRESDINT GAMAL ABDEL NASSE 1954-1970 - Dissertation Example Former Egyptian Deputy Prime Minister Boutros Boutros-Ghali served as Secretary General of the United Nations from 1991 to 1996. Egypt is a key partner in the search for peace in the Middle East and resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Sadat's groundbreaking trip to Israel in 1977, the 1978 Camp David Accords, and the 1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty represented a fundamental shift in the politics of the region--from a strategy of confrontation to one of peace as a strategic choice. Egypt was subsequently ostracized by other Arab states and ejected from the Arab League from 1979 to 1989. Egypt played an important role in the negotiations leading to the Madrid Peace Conference in 1991, which, under U.S. and Russian sponsorship, brought together all parties in the region to discuss Middle East peace. This support has continued to the present, with President Mubarak often intervening personally to promote peace negotiations. In 1996, he hosted the Sharm El-Sheikh "Summit of the Peacemakers" attended by President Bill Clinton and other world leaders. In 2000, he hosted two summits at Sharm El-Sheikh and one at Taba in an effort to resume the Camp David negotiations suspended in July of 2000, and in June 2003, Mubarak hosted President George W. Bush for another summit on the Middle East peace process. Throughout mid-2004, Egypt worked closely with Israel and the Palestinian Authority to facilitate stability following Israel's withdrawal from Gaza, which occurred in August and September of 2005. Prior to this Egypt and Israel reached an agreement that allowed Egypt to deploy additional forces along the Philadelphi Corridor in an attempt to control the border and prevent the smuggling of weapons. Egypt played a key role during the 1990-91 Gulf crisis. President Mubarak helped assemble the international coalition and deployed 35,000 Egyptian troops against Iraq to liberate Kuwait. The Egyptian contingent was the third-largest in the coalition forces, after the U.S. and U.K. In the aftermath of the Gulf war, Egypt signed the Damascus declaration with Syria and the Gulf states to strengthen Gulf security. Egypt continues to contribute regularly to UN peacekeeping missions, most recently in East Timor, Sierra Leone, and Liberia. In August 2004, Egypt was actively engaged in seeking a solution to the crisis in the Darfur region of Sudan, including the dispatch of military monitors. Following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Egypt, which has itself been the target of terrorist attacks, has been a key supporter of U.S. efforts against terrorists and terrorist organizations such as Osama bin Ladin and al-Qaeda, and actively supported the Iraqi Governing Council, as well as the subsequent government of Prime Minister Allawi. In July 2005, terrorists attacked the Egyptian city of Sharm El Sheikh. In the same month, Egypt's envoy to Iraq was assassinated. U.S.-EGYPTIAN RELATIONS The United States and Egypt enjoy a str ong and friendly relationship based on shared mutual interest in Middle East peace and stability, revitalizing the Egyptian economy and strengthening trade relations, and promoting regional security. Over the years, Egypt and the United States have worked together assiduously to expand Middle East peace negotiations, hosting talks, negotiations, and the Middle

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Odeipus the King Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Odeipus the King - Essay Example Antigone (1500 A.D) Psychology of Characters in Antigone Antigone is one of the Sophocles woven in tyranny and culture. The play contains many characters helping in laying the plot of the story. One of the characters is Antigone, the protagonist of the play. Antigone is determined. This is because she decides laying her brother to rest. She refutes King Creon’s decision that Polinices does not entail to be buried (Anouilh & Sam, 2002). She goes ahead to bury Polinices despite the consequences that may befall her. Her sister Isemne tries convincing Antigone, her sister to refute this decision .This is because she worries that her life may be at threat if she buried Polinices. This is in regard to the King’s order that Polinices deserved no burial. Her determination is a trait that compels readers interested in the play. She is also daring because she undertakes burying Polinices, knowing that her life is at threat. This trait helps build the plot because the king pursues her deeds. She is also sallow. Antigone is shown not to be as stunning as her sister Isemne. The other trait is that she is obstinate. This is true concerning the way she disobeys that kings ruling that no one ought to bury Polinices. Disregarding that her life may be at danger, she still resolves burying Polinices. ... For example concluding that Polinices required no burial, this shows his might and authority of ruling. The other trait is that he is unreasonable. His action of deciding that Polinices burial would not happen is a clear proof. The king is inhuman because he tries scheming for the execution of Antigone after she goes against his rulings. Plotting to kill someone is something that is exceedingly wrong. In addition, Creon is cruel concerning his acts of scheming and ordering for Antigones execution. This is because killing is something that is brutal to a person. Moreover, Creon is timid pertaining to his response to Teresia’s prophecy that he would be struck by fury of the spirits. This makes him stop pursuing to kill Antigone. Isemne Isemne, the sister of Antigone, displays various traits. One of the traits is that she is beautiful as conflicting to her sister. The other trait is that she is calm. This trait has its explanations from remaining unruffled despite demise of Polin ices. When her sister is exceedingly vibrant about burying Polinices, Isemne has no issues to do with his. The other trait is that she is collected. This aspect is well depicted in her ability to stay withdrawn to things surrounding the burial of Polinices. Isemne is also reasonable concerning her act of defying rebellion. This is because she persuades her sister not to defy rulings of King Creon (Anouilh & Sams, 2002). In addition, Isemne is also lovable. This is because of the fact that she plays the role of advising her sister, and the fact that she is not disobedient. Another trait is that she is good-natured. This is following the fact that she undertakes telling her sister to obey the king’s rulings. This is however something that

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Contract Law of Australia Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

The Contract Law of Australia - Article Example In the meantime, a typhoon hit Hong Kong during those two days and many of the boxes of porcelain vases got wet and after arriving of MV Bardon in Brisbane Aussie Dcor, only 2500 out of 3000 boxes with vases inside were delivered and 100 of these were in very bad condition and not suitable for sale. But other 500 porcelain vases were not delivered by the Porcelain Vases Company of Hong Kong. For the delivery of only 2500 out of 3000 porcelain vases is the violation of the contract, in this matter, the Aussie Dcor will get remedy under Article 51 of the Convention of the International Sale of Goods (CISG). Article 51 says that if the seller delivers only a part of the goods or if only a part of the goods delivered is in conformity with the contract, articles 46 to 50 of the Convention apply in respect of the part which is missing or which does not conform. Since the Porcelain Vases Company of Hong Kong did not fulfill all part of the contract for non-delivery of the 500 porcelain vase s, the Aussie Dcor may declare the contract voided under Article 49 of the CISG. The Aussie Dcor Company will notify the Porcelain Vases Company of Hong Kong about the part delivery of porcelain vases. The Aussie Dcor Company loses the right to rely on the provisions of article 41 or article 42 if Aussie Dcor does not give notice to the seller specifying the nature of the right or claim of the third party within a reasonable time after he has become aware or ought to have become aware of the right or claim.1 So, the delivery of the 3000 porcelain vases do not conform with the contract and the price has already been paid, the Aussie Dcor Company may reduce the price of 500 porcelain vases equal to 10000 Australian Dollar. Would the use of an alternative Incoterm affect the outcome and if so, how The INCOTERMS 2000 bears for the trade contract responsibilities and liabilities between buyer and seller. It is invaluable and a cost-saving tool. The exporter and the importer need not undergo a lengthy negotiation about the conditions of each transaction.

Borrowed Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Borrowed Theories - Essay Example According to McEwen and Wills (2014), these borrowed theories focus on interaction of people and the society because such interactions have an effect on the well-being and health of people. Borrowed nursing theories have assisted in offering a basis for nursing research and nursing practice. An example of a borrowed theory that has been used to guide research and practice in nursing is Wilbur’s integrated theory that offers a quadrant model that is applied in nursing leadership (Reams, 2005). In essence, such a theory like this assists in distinguishing what forms the basis of practice (McEwen & Wills, 2014). Notably, borrowed theories assist in attaining better patient care and patient satisfaction. For instance, Wilbur’s integrated theory assists nurse leaders apprehend the linkage between leaders and decisions made in an organization and its effect on nurse workers and the patients (Reams, 2005). Reams, J. (2005). What’s integral about leadership?A reflection on leadership and integral theory. Retrieved from

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Business Essays on Cathers novel O Pioneer Dissertation

Business Essays on Cathers novel O Pioneer - Dissertation Example As against the traditional roles, Alexandra is one of those females who is visionary and artistic and has skills more trusted by her father then her brothers who are ego centric, typical males claiming right over the property she made. The story revolves around Alexandra and her three brothers. Emil who is her youngest brother and is sent to study by Alexandra is quite close to her, and they share a quite deep understanding. In fact, Alexandra’s close relation can only be identified with three main characters: Carl, Marie and Emil. The story gets twisty when Emil and Marie, (who is already married to Frank) falls in love with each other and are caught by Frank who shoots them. However, the end to the novel is rather shocking as per Alexandra’s response to the death of her loving brother and her close friend Marie, because she forgives Frank. This reaction seemed appalling because Alexandra loved Emil too much to forgive his murderer so easily, but there are a number of reasons behind her decision. One of the most important reasons relates to the fact that Alexandra knew what type of person Frank was, and she was never quite fond of him as a person, but she also knew that Marie crossed her limits and by keeping relations with Emil, she broke the ties of piousness and virtue as she allowed herself into an act of adultery. Emil and Marie did wrong and Frank even though he murdered them, just did what he was expected to do being the person he was and the ugly life he lived and gave to Marie too. So Alexandra could draw out the conclusion that Emil and Marie were to be more blamed then Frank was to this murder. She had sympathies for Frank, who lived in a town which was foreign to him and had no friends or family here but just Marie who cheated him and pushed him into committing this crime. Also, when she went to visit Frank in jail she realized that Frank was paying the most penalty for a sin more attributed to Emil and Marie then Frank because the co nditions in jail were too negative and he did not deserved to live in such awful conditions. Alexandra’s decision to release Frank was influenced by the type of life she had lived. She dedicated her life to her land, in nurturing and prospering it and in doing this, she somehow neglected her feminism. She devoted all her love and care to the land and in a way she lost her feelings towards the opposite gender, the feeling of attraction, of liking and loving or even understanding the sexuality and erection which existed between Emil and Maria. This side is called her blind side in the novel. Spending all her love to the land left no capacity in Alexandra to understand the sexual feelings or erection which is aroused between opposite sexes and so she could understand Frank more than she could understand feelings of Marie. Furthermore, even though being independent and strong in character, Alexandra is described to be a religiously obedient person who believes in following custom s and confirms to the teachings of The Bible. She clearly disregards Marie breaking the oath and promises she made when getting married to Frank and this feeling gets even stronger because of her surpass of the feeling of love and attraction. Alexandra was asexual by her character because of having no relation with any guy

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The personal selling process Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The personal selling process - Coursework Example This research will begin with the statement that personal selling forms a critical part of a marketing plan for a company that engages skilled salesperson in a successful deal with a customer. The salesperson should have the ability to successfully close the deal with the customer so that he/she is interested in the company products or services. The present research has identified that in order to successfully close a sales deal, a salesperson should be attentive to the present need of the customer and offer him/her the required products or services. It will be incorrect to state that the job of a salesperson is easy, as convincing a human being for a product or services is hard due to the different bent of mind of the consumers. The author has rightly presented that the companies lay emphasis on the art of selling and there is a definite process that is followed by a salesperson for converting a lead into the buyer. Thus, it is the most expensive form of marketing, where the salespe rson should follow definite steps in order to bring sales revenue to the company. Each of these steps is important for the salesperson and company. ThyssenKrupp AG is regarded as one of the largest steel producers in the world and it also engages in providing systems and component to the automotive industry, elevators, escalators and industrial services to its customers. It engages in business-to-business selling with the customers.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 3

Report - Essay Example After World War II Nestlà © saw a boom period and since then it grew at a faster pace leaving behind all the competitors of the market. Nestlà © is also listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange. It is also ranked at the number 1 position in the Fortune 500 companies in 2011. Nestlà © is serving over 150 countries at this time with almost 461 factories or operations in 83 countries. With the help of these facts and figures we can imagine the huge network of Nestlà ©. The basic key factor behind the foundation of Nestlà © Company was the research to find out the alternative for the infants whom mothers cannot feed. This was an intense social thinking and thus we can say that from its origin Nestlà © Company is aimed to work for the people and not for gaining profits. Nestlà © have taken many steps in the social concerns. They always try to satisfy their customer base not only with their products but also with the communication skills. Through this way they give value to the potential customers. Customer and supplier relationship management is an important tool to create a good company name. Nestlà © has always differentiated itself as the company focusing on the people who are very much health and nutrition conscious (Raza 2013). As per recent information, Nestlà © has announced to expand its research and development centre in Singapore. The primary focus of this R & D centre will be health and nutrition. The Nestlà © team also says that th e core aim of their company’s presence is to enhance the quality of people’s lives every day. This is also shown If we consider the world wide operations then there are almost 8000 brands which have been offered by Nestlà ©. As a result they have captured a huge market share and thus achieve success as compare to many other competitive firms. According to a news report Nestlà © is such a biggest company in the food industry that its financial results can predict the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Poetry changed alongside wider society Essay Example for Free

Poetry changed alongside wider society Essay We learn that Arnold can no longer draw comfort from the sea of faith or religion which encompassed him and like the folds of a bright girdle furled. Instead, the coast and sea is an analogy for religious trend. Christianity is ebbing away because of scientific dispatch. This results is the naked shingles of the world; a place that is unprotected and fragile with no supreme power to guide man. This confusion is emphasized the informality of its structure. The lack of a coherent rhythm and rhyme scheme creates the illusion of tide, But now I only hear, Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar, Retreating to the breath, which swashes and washes along the coast just like the different line lengths. As we can see, Arnold is hesitant of change and acceptance for him results in apprehension. This is unusual in the sense that, conventionally, acceptance results in peace of mind. Ironically, in gods Grandeur, when Hopkins refutes absolute science, he is more buoyant and cheerful towards which is not the usual characteristics of denial. In the poem, despite the fall of contemporary Victorian society, nature is never spent and permeates the world with the dearest of freshness. Hopkins conveys an image of god being a regenerative force who is able to bring morning following the last lights of the black west. He is defiant of the theory of evolution and instead believes in the holy ghost. Gods Grandeur ends with: World broods with warm breast and with ah! Bright wings. This imagery is inspired with hope and resembles the techniques by Romantic poets where an animal would be used as the vehicle to escape misery; for example the skylark in Keats poem. On the other hand, Dover Beech is not optimistic but instead shares the pessimism associated with poems in the 1900. Arnold depicts the world as a stagnant site with neither joy, nor love nor light. In the last stanza, he talks personally to his wife: Ah, love, let us be true In a place of no faith, Arnold wishes to pin their faith on each other- the language becomes poetic with a series of semantically related adjectives: So various, so beautiful, so new The Victorians lived through a time of change however change in the near future results in neither certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain. This apprehension is felt by Arnold who is swept with confused alarms; the complete antithesis of Hopkins.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Difference Between Wordpad and Notepad Essay Example for Free

Difference Between Wordpad and Notepad Essay What is the difference between Notepad and WordPad? Answer: Both programs are text editors that are included with the Windows operating system. Notepad is the most basic text editor, which allows you to open and create text files. While you can create several paragraphs of text with Notepad, using line breaks (by pressing the Enter key), the program does not give you text formatting options. For example, you cannot change the font size or make the text bold. WordPad is similar to Notepad, but gives you more formatting options. You can use bold and italics formatting, and change the font, size, and color of the text. You can also create bulleted lists and center and justify paragraphs. WordPad allows you to save documents as either basic text (. TXT) files or rich text format (. RTF) files. Saving a document in the rich text format will keep all the formatting you have done to the text, while saving it as a basic text file will remove all text formatting from the document. Notepad is a good choice for creating webpages It is also useful for removing formatting from text that you have copied and want to paste somewhere else as plain text. Just paste the text into Notepad, copy it again from Notepad, and you have completely unformatted text. WordPad is a good choice for writing papers or creating documents that you want to print. It is also great for making lists, since it supports bullets. You can use WordPad to open an unformatted text document and add whatever formatting you want. If you want even more formatting options and a more user-friendly interface, you can use a program such as Microsoft Word.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Privacy Preserving Data Mining in Partitioned Databases

Privacy Preserving Data Mining in Partitioned Databases A survey : Privacy preserving data mining in horizontally partitioned databases Komal Kapadia, Ms.Raksha Chauhan _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract – Privacy preserving data mining techniques are introduced with the aim of extract the relevant knowledge from the large amount of data while protecting the sensible information at the same time. The success of data mining relies on the availability of high quality data. To ensure quality of data mining, effective information sharing between organizations becomes a vital requirement in today’s society. Privacy preserving data mining deals with hiding an individual’s sensitive identity without sacrificing the usability of data. Whenever we are concerning with data mining, Security is measure issue while extracting data. Privacy Preserving Data Mining concerns with the security of data and provide the data on demand as well as amount of data that is required. Index Terms – data mining, privacy preserving, ECC cryptography, randomized response technique. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION Data mining techniques have been widely used in many areas especially for strategic decision making. The main threat of data mining is to security and privacy of data residing in large data stores. Some of the information considered as private and secret can be bought out with advanced data mining tools. Different research efforts are under way to address this problem of privacy preserving and preserving security. The privacy term has wide range of different meanings. For example, in the context of the health insurance accountability and portability act privacy rule, privacy means the individual’s ability to control who has the access to personal health care information. In organization, privacy means that it involves the definition of policies stating which information is collected, how it is used, how customers are involved and informed in this process. We can considering privacy as â€Å"Individual’s desire and ability to keep certain information about themselves hi dden from others.† Privacy preserving data mining refers to the area of data mining that seeks to safeguard sensitive information from unsolicited disclosure. Historically, issues related to PPDM were first studied by the national statistical agencies interested in collecting private social and economical data, such as census and tax records, and making it available for analysis by public servants, companies, and researchers. Building accurate socio-economical models is vital for business planning and public policy. Yet, there is no way of knowing in advance what models may be needed, nor is it feasible for the statistical agency to perform all data processing for everyone, playing the role of a â€Å"trusted third party†. Instead, the agency provides the data in a sanitized form that allows statistical processing and protects the privacy of individual records, solving a problem known as privacy preserving data publishing. There are many methods for preserving the priva cy. In this surevey many methods try to compute the answer to the mining without revealing any additional information about user privacy. Progress in scientific research depends on the sharing and availability of information and ideas. But the researchers are mainly focusing on preserving the security or privacy of individuals. This issue leads to an emerging research area, privacy preserving data mining. For privacy preserving data mining, many authors proposed many technologies. The main aim of this paper is, to develop efficient methodology to find privacy preserving. LITERATURE SURVEY We have studied some of the related work for the privacy preserving in horizontally partitioned databases. Existing work for privacy preserving in horizonatally partitioned database has different types of techniques. TYPES OF PRIVACY PRESERVING TECHNIQUES Semi honest party Without trusted party With trusted party In without trusted party each party will calculate their own partial support and add their own random number and sends the result to the next party in the ring so that the other party will never know the result of others and in last the initiator party will disclose the result that is global support. In trusted party each party will calculate their partial support and send to the trusted party and add the own random number and send to the next coming site in the ring so that other party will never know the result of other parties after that trusted party will disclose the result and send to all sites that presents in the ring. Fig. 1 Framework of privacy preserving data mining[5] SECURE MULTIPARTY COMMUNICATION Approximately all Privacy Preserving data mining techniques rely on Secure multi party communication protocol. Secure multi party communication is defined as a computation protocol at the last part of which no party involved knows anything else except its own inputs the outcome, i.e. the view of each party during the execution can be effectively simulated by the input and output of the party. Secure multi party communication has commonly concentrated on two models of security. The semi-honest model assumes that every party follows the rule of the protocol, but is free to later use what it sees during execution of the protocol. The malicious model assumes that parties can arbitrarily cheat and such cheating will not compromise moreover security or the outcome, i.e. the results from the malicious party will be correct or the malicious party will be detected. Most of the Privacy Preserving data mining techniques assume an intermediate model, Preserving Privacy with non-colluding parties . A malicious party May dishonest the results, but will not be able to learn the private data of other parties without colluding with another party. (1)MHS ALGORITHM FOR HORIZONTALLY PARTITION DATABASE M. Hussein et al.’s Scheme (MHS) was introduced to improve privacy or security and try to reduce communication cost on increasing number of sites. Behind this main idea was to use effective cryptosystem and rearrange the communication path. For this, two sites were discovered. This algorithm works with minimum 3 sites. One site acts as Data Mining Initiator and other site as a Data Mining Combiner. Rests of other sites were called client sites. This scenario was able to decrease communication time. Fig. shows MHS algorithm. The working of the algorithm is as follows: The initiator generates RSA public key and a private key. It sends the public key to combiner and all other client sites. 2. Each site, except initiator computes frequent itemset and local support for each frequent itemset using Local Data Mining . 3. All Client sites encrypt their computed data using public key and send it to the combiner. 4. The combiner merges the received data with its own encrypted data, encrypts it again and sends it to initiator to find global association rules. 5. Initiator decrypts the received data using the private key. Then it merges its own local data mining data and computes to find global results. 6. Finally, it finds global association rules and sends it to all other sites. Fig.2 MHS algorithm[11] (2) EMHS ALGORITHM FOR HORIZONTALLY PARTITION DATABASE Enhanced M. Hussein et al.’s Scheme (EMHS) was introduced to improve privacy and reduce communication cost on increasing number of sites. This algorithm also works with minimum 3 sites. One site acts as Data Mining Initiator and other site as a Data Mining Combiner. Rests of other sites were called client sites . But this algorithm works on the concept of MFI (Maximal Frequent Itemset) instead of Frequent Itemset. a) MFI (Maximal Frequent Itemset): A Frequent Itemset which is not a subset of any other frequent itemset is called MFI. By using MFI, communication cost is reduced . b) RSA (Rivest, Shamir, Adleman) Algorithm: one of the widely used public key cryptosystem. It is based on keeping factoring product of two large prime numbers secret. Breaking RSA encryption is tough. (3)MODIFIED EMHS ALGORITHM FOR HORIZONTALLY PARTIOTION DATABASE In this technique, they used modified EMHS algorithm for improving its efficiency by using Elliptic curve cryptography. Here Elgamal cryptography technique is used which is of ECC for homomorphic encryption. ELLIPTIC CURVE CRYPTOGRAPHY Elliptic curve cryptography provides public cryptosystem based on the descrete logarithm problem over integer modulo a prime. Elliptic curve cryptosystem requires much shorter key length to provide a security level same as RSA with larger key length. In this elgamal cryptography is used. ELGAMAL CRYPTOGRAPHY a)A wishes to exchange message M with B[9]. b) B first chooses Prime Number p, Generator g and private key x. c)B computes its Public Key Y = gx mod p and sends it to A. d) Now A chooses a random number k. e) A calculates one time key K = Yk mod p. f) A calculates C1 = gk mod p and C2 = M*K mod p and sends (C1,C2) to B. g) B calculates K = C1x mod p h) B calculates K-1 = inverse of K mod p i)B recovers M = K-1 * C2 mod p j) Thus, Message M is exchanged between A and B securely. In this system, Elgamal cryptography paillier cryptosystem is used. Here, Elgamal cryptography is used for security purpose. Compared to EMHS algorithm here performance is better in terms of computation time. RANDOMIZED RESPONSE TECHNIQUE In this technique, here mainly focused on CK secure sum in randomized response technique for privacy preserving. Here, the multi party transaction data who discover frequent item sets with minimum support. In the randomized response technique, consider the data sets I = {I1, I2, I3†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦In} and the random number or noise part are denoted by R= {R1, R2, R3 †¦Rn}, the new set of records are denoted by I1+R1, I2+R2 †¦.In+Rn and after that take a partial support Pij = {Pi1, Pi2†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Pin} so that partial support is P ij=I+R[10] I=Pij-R[10] In Randomized response secure sum technique, secure sum each site will determine their own data value and send to predecessor site that near to original site and this goes on till the original site collects all the value of data after that the parent site will determine the global support. CK SECURE SUM ALGORITHM[10] Step1:-Consider parties P1, P2, P3†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Pn. Step2:-Each party will generate their own random number R1, R2†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.RN Step3:-Connect the parties in the ring (P1, P2, P3†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦PN) and let P1 is a protocol initiator. Step4:-Let RC=N, and Pij=0 (RC is round counter and Pij is partial support) Step5:-Partial support P1 site calculating by using following formula Psij = – Min support * |DB| + RN1 – RNn Step6:-Site P2 computes the PSj for each item received the list using the List using the formula, PSij= PSij + Xij. Support – minimum support * |DB| +Rn1-Rn (i-1) Step7:-While RC! =0 begin for j=1 to N do begin for I=1 to N do Step8:-P1 exchange its position to P (j+1) mod N and RC=RC-1 end Step9:-Party P1 allowance the result Pij Step10:-End In ck secure sum technique, mainly focused on for computing global support within a scenario of homogeneous database and provides the high security to the database and hacking of data is zero. CONCLUSION In this paper we reviewed five privacy preserving technique in horizontally partitioned database. In MHS algorithm RSA cryptography is used. In EMHS algorithm, by using MFI approach accuracy is high compared to MHS. Modified EMHS algorithm used elgamal technique so privacy is high than EMHS technique. Randomized response technique provides high security to the database compared to other techniques. In future we can compute less number of rounds instead of n number of rounds. Here , we can use encryption technique for encrypting random number and sends it to the predecessor. REFERENCES [1] Neelamadhab Padhy, Dr. Pragnyaban Mishra Rasmita Panigrahi. â€Å"The Survey of Data Mining Applications and Feature Scope.† 2012 IJCSEIT. [2] Xinjun qi, Mingkui zong. â€Å"An overview of privacy preserving data mining.† 2011 ICESE. [3] Kishori pawar, Y.B. gurav. â€Å"Overview of privacy in horizontally distributed databases.† 2014 IJIRAE. [4] Manish Sharma, Atul chaudhary , Manish mathuria Shalini chaudhary. â€Å"A review study on the privacy preserving data mining techniques and approaches.†. 2013 IJCST. [5] Shweta taneja, shashank khanna, sugandha tilwalia, ankita. â€Å"A review on privacy preserving data mining: techniques and research challenges.† 2014 IJCSIT. [6] Jayanti dansana, Raghvendra kumar Jyotirmayee rautaray. â€Å"Techniques for privacy preserving association rule mining in distributed database.† 2012 IJCSITS. [7] Xuan canh nguyen, Tung anh cao. â€Å"An enhanced scheme for privacy preserving association rules minig on horizonatally distributed databases.† 2012 IEEE. [8] Manish Sharma, Atul chaudhary, Manish mathuria, Shalini chaudhary Santosh kumar. â€Å"An efficient approach for privacy preserving in data mining.† 2014 IEEE. [9] Rachit v. Adhvaryu, Nikunj h. Domadiya. â€Å"Privacy preserving in association rule mining on horizontally partitioned database.† 2014 IJARCET. [10] Jayanti Dansana , Raghvendra Kumar , Debadutta Dey. â€Å"Privacy preservation in horizontally partitioned databases using randomized response technique.† 2013 IEEE. [11] Rachit v. Adhvaryu, Nikunj h. Domadiya, â€Å"Research Trends in Privacy Preserving in Association Rule Mining (PPARM) On Horizontally Partitioned Database†. 2014 IJEDR. [12] Agrawal D. Aggarwal C. C. On the Design and Quantification of Privacy-Preserving Data Mining Algorithms.ACM PODS Conference, 2002. [13] D.W.Cheung,etal.,Ecient Mining of Association Rules in Distributed Databases, IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Eng., vol. 8, no. 6, 1996,pp.911-922.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

Over the years, our accounting system has evolved from the tedious task of manual accounting to the ease of computerized accounting systems and programs. Computerized accounting has brought about a more efficient way of setting up and maintaining a company’s financial records. In previous years accountants would spend copious amounts of time manually recording business transactions through journalizing, posting to ledgers and mathematically checking each journal and ledger for errors. This process was necessary in order to compile data needed to produce financial reports and statements. The number of manual entries were so numerous that the margin of error was significantly increased. Simple mistakes, such as transposing a number or incorrectly recording a transaction in the wrong column could create a ripple effect of errors throughout each journal, ledger, or report issued for that period. The process of tracking one simple sales transaction was incredible compared to today’s accounting software. Manually, the transaction might begin with an invoice or sales receipt which beg...

Library of Alexandria Essay example -- essays research papers

HOW WAS THE GREAT LIBRAY OF ALEXANDRIA ORGANIZED AND OPERATED? WHO OR WHAT CAUSED ITS DESTRUCTION? For the extra credit assignment I have decided to compose as essay describing the great library of Alexandria. The library itself is wrapped up in a great mystery that has had many historians and archeologists heavily interested in its existence for many years. It has been recorded that the library of Alexandria held many thousands, if not millions, of books, volumes and other documents. The library is also believed to be one of the biggest libraries in human history. Its significance is of invaluable knowledge. The mammoth size of such a huge monument for the period of time that is existed is phenomenal. Even though it was significant in it’s time, the destruction of such a beautiful collection of thoughts, novels and other writings is somewhat of a tragic occurrence that has baffled many for years. Alexandria was founded in Egypt by Alexandria the Great. His successor as Pharaoh was known as Ptolemy II Soter. He founded the Museum or Royal Library of Alexandria in 283 BC. The Museum was a shrine of the Muses modeled after the Lyceum of Aristotle in Athens. The Museum was a place of study which included lecture areas, gardens, a zoo, and shrines for each of the nine muses as well as the Library itself. It has been estimated that at one time the Library of Alexandria held over half a million documents from Assyria, Greece, Persia, Egypt, India and many other nations. Over 100 scholars and scribes lived at the Museum full time to perform research, write, lecture or translate and copy documents (Hertzke 2004). The library got so large it actually had another branch or "daughter" library at the Temple of Serapis. There are many stories and rumors surrounding the real destruction of such a great library. It is still unknown exactly who are what destroyed the entire library but many stories and personal accounts that were put onto historical text much later on reveal clues to its possible â€Å"real† destruction. The first person blamed for the destruction of the Library is none other than Julius Caesar himself. In 48 BC, Caesar was pursuing Pompey into Egypt when he was suddenly cut off by an Egyptian fleet at Alexandria. Greatly outnumbered and in enemy territory, Caesar ordered the ships in the harbor to be set on fire. Sup... ...mar) all had an axe to grind and consequently must be seen as biased. Probably everyone mentioned above had some hand in destroying some part of the Library's holdings. The collection may have ebbed and flowed as some documents were destroyed and others were added. For instance, Mark Antony was supposed to have â€Å"given Cleopatra over 200,000 scrolls for the Library long after Julius Caesar is accused of burning it (Luciano 2005).† It is also quite likely that even if the Museum was destroyed with the main library the outlying daughter library at the Temple of Serapis continued on. Many writers seem to equate the Library of Alexandria with the Library of Serapis although technically they were in two different parts of the city. The real tragedy of course is not the uncertainty of knowing who to blame for the Library's destruction but that so much of ancient history, literature and learning was lost forever. Its importance and significance will never be resurrected, but will forever lay in a mystery. Only dreams and images can be pondered about what actually existed in such a great library. Scholars, historians and educated individuals can only daydream about what might have been.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

imperialism in Ecuador :: essays research papers

ECUADOR Before becoming Ecuador in 1830 it was known as the Vice royalty of Granada. Western imperialism and exploration led Spain to inhabit this Gold mine. Thesis: Slide 1 The year 1492 brought about many changes in the Old World that forever altered the way we understand and perceive the New World. Imperialism and Colonialism soared to new heights and brought two completely different worlds into a crash course forever entwining cultures, laws, religion, and customs in North and South America.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Slide 2 The year 1492 is important in many ways. After centuries of fighting the Muslims, Jews, and Moors were finally expelled out of Granada, the last strong hold of other religions in Spain. Christianity once again reigned in Spain. This led monarchy to fortify their homeland and start looking for new land to monopolize and colonize on in Asia. This is why they called the Western part of South America New Granada.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Slide 2- the man the Spanish monarchy chose was Christopher Columbus. Columbus is known for stumbling into America while looking for Asia. Slide 2- the men who deserve the credit should be the man who conquered the Americas and that is Hernando Cortes and Francisco Pizarro. Slide 2 transition into slide 3- Once Cortes and his small army defeated Montezuma’s powerful Mexican Aztec warriors, which outnumbered the Spaniards 10-1. The riches in form of Gold started to flood into Spain. Slide 3- once Queen Isabel died in 1504 and Ferdinand died in1516 there was a power struggle between the families. Charles V and queen Isabel of Portugal took over and immediately had to make political alliances as soon as possible. What better way then conquering new land and people? Spanish Thrown to send Francisco Pizarro on a new Expedition down south to find the other Great Empire that was rumored to exist in the south Slide 3- the motivational factors were over Gold but to make it sound a little better to the church and to the public, the Monarchy said it was to spread Christianity in the new world. Slide 3- on the new expedition Pizarro brought with him a man by the name of Diego de Almargo in 1532 and used Ecuador as the staging point for new invasion of Inca Empire.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Slide 4- now the next obstacle was finding the Empire and learning as much as possible about them to defeat them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Slide 4- The Spaniards learned that the Incas ruled the area since 1200 A.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Complicating Conditions of Pregnancy and Childbirth

Maternal stays with complications were about fifty percent more costly $4,100 for non-delivery stays and $3,900 for delivery stays) than delivery stays without complications ($2,600). delivery-related complications accounted for $17. 4 billion, or nearly 5 percent of total hospital costs in the United States. Among non-delivery maternal stays, the following conditions occurred at a rate of 100 or more for every 1,000 hospital stays: early or threatened labor, infections of the genitourinary tract, and hypertension, including eclampsia and pre-eclampsia.Among maternal stays with delivery, rate of 50 99 for every 1 ,OOO eliveries: umbilical cord complications, 1st and 2nd degree perineal lacerations, previous Csection, and abnormal fetal heart rate or rhythm. Patients 35 to 44 years accounted for 15 percent of maternal stays with complicating conditions (with or without delivery), but comprised only 1 percent of delivery stays without complicating conditions. Anne Elixhauser, Ph.D. and Lauren M. Wier, M. P. H. Introduction Complications during pregnancy can pose a serious risk to both maternal and infant health, and are associated with various adverse outcomes, including miscarriage, emorrhage, preterm labor, and low birth weight. An objective of the U. S. Department of Health & Human Services' Healthy People 2020 is to reduce maternal illness and complications related for labor and delivery.This Statistical Brief presents data from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Nationwide Inpatient Sample (N'S) on pregnancy and childbirth hospitalizations with complicating conditions in 2008. All data are reported from the maternal perspective (i. e. , reflecting the experience of the mother, not the newborn). For the purpose of his Brief, †complicating conditions] include all ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes that are in the section entitled †Complications of 3 Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Puerperium. This Brief presents information on hospital utiliza tion and patient characteristics for the following types of hospital stays for: complicated pregnancy during which no delivery occurred (†non-delivery with complicating conditions]), delivery with complicated pregnancy or delivery (†delivery with complicating conditions]), and delivery without any mention of complicated regnancy or delivery (†delivery without complicating conditions]). In addition, this report provides information on specific types of complicating conditions of pregnancy and delivery.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Nazi Germany

Nazi Germany relied heavily on control of the mass media of communications and expression and the mighty propaganda machine played a vital role in the Nazi party. In 1933 Hitler commented that (Lee, 30) â€Å"the art of propaganda lies in understanding the emotional ideas of the great masses and finding a way to the heart of the broad masses. † Propaganda was a means to gain and keep the support of the masses and the crude and over simplified weltanschaung (psychology) projected by Nazi propaganda inspired and overwhelmed millions of Germans, promoting the ideological goals of the regime and the creation of the ‘Fuhrer myth'. Passive acceptance of the new regime was converted into active support and used to encourage Germans to pursue national socialistic goals. Through deliberate attempts to create a new social ritual, the Heil Hitler salute, Horst Wessel song and the supremacy of Militaristic uniforms were fabricated to strengthen the individuals identity with the regime. Music was carefully scrutinized and Jewish musicians such as Mendelson were removed from the list of composers, whilst special places were given to Opera's of men such as Richard Wagner as they dealt with heroic German Legends from the past. Modern art was condemned as degenerate and any war and anti nazi ideology literature were burned in the ‘burning of the books' on the 10th May 1933. Control of expression and communication is vital for a totalitarian state to be upheld and the Nazi's were successful in indoctrinating its peoples and controlling both their expression and communication. According to Kershaw a totalitarian state requires passive and isolated population who are unable to respond however Gobbels turned passive Germans into active Germans. Propaganda during the Nazi regime was totalitarian in intent, however did not fulfill a totalitarian outcome. From a cultural perspective, Nazi Germany does not fit the social attributes of a totalitarian state whereby the people of the state are a passive population. Germans were encouraged to become part of the greater Volksgemeinschat (peoples community), and this is demonstrated in the Nuremberg rallies, where over one million Germans pledged their support to the Nazi Party through their presence. â€Å"Strength of Joy† a creation company that organised concerts where people would flock together, all in support of the Nazi Regime. The emphasis on group participation in social activities infiltrated all sections of society especially the youth. Young girls form the age of fourteen joined the Bund Deutscher Madel (League of German matrons and boys were encouraged to join the â€Å"Hitler Jugend. † Hitler youth had a membership of 3 500 000 14-18 year olds, a level of voluntary participation before it became law in 1936. Social activities and education for the youth were extremely well coordinated and schools were used for the purpose of indoctrination. All subjects particularly History and Biology were influenced by both the Nazi's determinations to shape the minds of the younger generation as well as trying to achieve an Aryan Herronvolk (master race). Physical education (compromising 15% of school time), was important to encourage competition, enforce discipline and keep them young and healthy- in short pre-war training. Special schools – National Political Institute of Education- were provided for the most gifted and talented who were considered to be the future leaders of the third Reich. Despite the indoctrination of student, minority youth resistance groups still existed within the period of 1933-1942. White Rose, amongst the most effective condemned the killing of Jews as well as the ‘Swing; resistance group who opposed Hitler's beliefs that Jazz and swing music were degenerate. Both groups however were ineffective and exposing led to imprisonment or death. Despite these splinter groups, all sections of society succumbed to the Nazi's party direction for participation in both social activities and active support for the regime. The majority of the people embraced Hitler and Nazism with enthusiasm and willingness to support all of their endeavors.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Promote person centred approaches in health and social care Essay

1.1. Person centred planning (PCP) should encompass every aspect of a service users support. Effective PCP is designed to ensure that the individual’s needs are always central when creating an effective support plan. Aspects such as an individuals goals, history, communication requirements, likes, dislikes and personal preferences should all be dutifully incorporated to create a fair, effective and unique care plan. 1:1 support with an individual is paramount when gaining an understanding of how their needs are to be met. Providing a chance for them to be involved with the planning process can provide an opportunity for service user empowerment as well as making sure that their support is fully tailored to their needs. 1.2. Using effective care plans that apply person centres values provides the service user the chance to create a plan that it directly linked to their values and needs. Nobody likes to feel as though a generic method of care is applied when considering his or her support needs. Everyone is unique with requirements that relate exclusively to themselves. Read more: Define person-centred values essay Creating a care plan that ensures that person centred values are met will make all the difference when considering an individuals ability to understand, agree with and engage with their support plans. A care plan should always relate directly to the individual involved. This can relate to the way in which any given goal can be effectively achieved or it could relate to how the individual interprets their care plan. For example if a service user found it difficult to read information could be conveyed through the use of pictures. It is incredibly important to ensure person centred values are applied within care plans to ensure that an individual agrees with the goals proposed as well as the best way in which to attain them. 2.3It is important to remain flexible when considering a service users support needs. An individual will always be changing and growing so it is important that this is reflected within their care plan. For example when I have previously supported NP goals relating to his ability to gain confidence whilst walking outside had to be met in a way that made the goal attainable. At first a goal of independent walking had been included within his IPP however any strict detail as to why and how this were to be most effectively achieved had to be assessed whilst communicating with him during our 1:1 support sessions. It turned out hat this goal was advised so that he could gain the confidence to go to work independently without the need to get a life from his relative. As we would commonly visit the supermarket we created a method whereby the journey to the local supermarket was broken into segments where he would walk independently, slowly managing a further and further distance each week. Had I said that he should walk the entire journey by himself without breaking it down into manageable steps this goal would have not been completed. Therefore the effective completion of this goal was only attained through the needs of the individual being met on a personal level. 3.1Mental capacity can be a complicated and ever adapting benchmark when assessing a person’s ability to do what is best for themselves. People must always be allowed to make mistakes as this will always be an inalienable human right of any individual. Ensuring that people do not put themselves or anyone else in direct and immediate danger is the reason behind why the mental capacity act has been created. Factors such as anxiety and tiredness can affect an individuals ability to express consent which is reflective of their true needs. When a care plan is created it is always best to do it at a time and place where a service user feels relaxed and able to express their needs in a manner that is in alignment with their true feelings. For example at time times when I have supported ES he has been unable to convey a true account of his feelings due to being anxious at the time. If this is the case it is best for ES to spend some time doing relaxation exercises so that he can effectively participate in the design of his IPP. 3.3If consent cannot be readily established an assessment of the persons capacity would need to be carried out. Firstly it would have to be considered that the individual understands what they are being asked to do, why they are being asked to do it and to what the concequences of their choices may be. It is worth considering if they are relaxed, tired or preoccupied at this time. It can be beneficial to implement relaxation exercises to try and calm down a service user or even getting in touch with their family to ensure that their needs are fully met. If they are putting themselves or anyone else in immediate danger it can at points be necessary to contact emergency services depending on the severity of the situation. However this should always remain a the last option available when trying to diffuse a situation. 4.1Active participation pertains to a method of support that ensures an individual can participate as independently as possible when completing everyday activities. It is important that a service user feels actively involved in the care they are receiving rather that just having a support plan prescribed to them which does not truly reflect their needs. It provides a chance for individuals to make choices that directly affect their life and as a support worker it is your responsibility to ensure that all the relevant information needed to make an informed has been provided in an impartial manner. If an individual wishes to access local health care services or social events then you can help them get in touch with the relevant facilities. Accessing the community, especially for people who live by themselves provides an excellent chance for empowering an individual. It can provide an opportunity to meet new people, gain confidence and subsequently become more independent. 5.3Risk assessments are a vital part to an individuals care plan. It ensures that they will not be putting themselves or anyone else in danger. Whilst  being an important part of any care plan they should remain as non invasive as possible to ensure that a service users retains the right to make their own choices. Certain risk assessments will contain a higher risk factor than others. It is when risks such as crossing road in a dangerous manner are enacted that the service users choice can become secondary to the fact that they are putting themselves in immediate danger. Risk factors such as ones that relate to dietary factors often have a smaller risk factor making it more possible to fully involve the service user in the decision making process when trying to effectively manage the risk in question. 5.4If an individual is unhappy about decisions that concern them then a number of different procedures are put in place to guarantee that they are being treated fairly. Issues concerning decisions made in a social setting should often be resolvable by encouraging a service user to talk to the individual with whom they have a disagreement in a civil, informed and fair fashion. It is important to provide an individual with enough information to make a responsible and informed choice without swaying their decision in any way. Everyone has different needs, values and requirements and it is very important to not mix your views with that of the service user. If an individual still feels the need to contest a decision concerning them then there are commonly complaints procedures put in place to make sure that their wishes are fully met. If a doctor, a psychotherapist, social worker or any other similar health professional makes a decision relating to them that they do not agree with then it is best to explain the options available to them whilst ensuring they know the consequences of each decision available. It is also important to be sure that they are fully aware of why this dispute has developed, as it can be beneficial at times to explain that person they are in disagreement with may be trying to act in their best interests. However it is always vital that they are treated in an impartial, fair and considerate manner that fully takes into account their rights,  values and beliefs. 6.1Identity relates to who we are and many people identify themselves in different ways. The factors included within this can stretch from social standing to religious beliefs or even age. The two main forms of identity are personal and social. Social identity relates to the way in which we identify with people and social groups. This could include influencing factors such as religious beliefs, hobbies and interests or even political orientation that make it easier to identify with certain individuals or groups. Personal identity is what relates to everything that we consider belonging to ourselves. This relates to inwardly identifying traits such as values, goals, passions, likes, dislikes, achievements, mistakes and ability. This largely influences the way we think and the decisions we make which is also largely ties in with self-image. A person will most often be aware that what they say, the decisions they make and the way they interact with other people influences how others view them. In other words it is how we think, or our self-image that influences how effectively we befriend certain people or groups. Self-esteem comes from a positive identity, which is largely influenced, by our self-image or the way we think. If you are dependant on others or feel inadequate in some respect you will have a low self-esteem. If we feel independent and part of an accepting friendship or group then this will nearly always have a positive effect on an individual’s self-esteem. 6.2Many factors contribute to the well being of any individual. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs this can be broken into 5 levels of personal development. This starts with physiological needs such as food, water and sleep etc. The next stage is about an individual’s safety where issues such as security of family, employment, property and morality are what is required to feel  fulfilled. The next stage is about love and belonging where an individual needs friendship, family and sexual intimacy to feel contented enough to move onto the next stage, which is esteem. This stage contains confidence, achievement and respect of others. The last stage is called self-actualization where an individual will refine their morality, creativity, lack of prejudices and problem solving as well as their ability to accept facts and be spontaneous. This is a common model used within psychological practices to assess whether an individual has all the necessary factors to ensure that they are completely content and have no detrimental effects to their well being. 6.3When supporting an individual it is important to make sure that you can meet their needs in a way that promotes their sense of identity, self-image and self-esteem. When I have supported MC he has explained about how he has felt unfairly treated at work. This was mainly due to his lack of career progression as well a request for a transfer not being met, although having been promised. To help with this we constructed an information leaflet about his condition, which we gave to his employers so that they were fully aware of how to best interact with him. I also started communicating with his employer about getting a transfer to a branch that was closer to where he lived. As a result of this he has now been transferred closer to where he lives as well as feeling more valued as an employee. This has helped with develop his self-identity and self image through an increased sense of self worth as well as helping to improve his self-esteem. 7.1Risk assessments are used to develop a suitable level of care for service users. Risk assessments help analyse the needs of the individual by making sure that their care is truly catered to their unique needs. Risk assessments help decipher whether an individual needs 1:1 support or 2:1 support. They can also allow health care professionals to implement safeguarding techniques to guarantee that the service user will not come  into harm. This can include procedures such as giving individuals location devices if they are prone to wondering of whilst not being fully aware of their actions amongst many other advantageous practices to ensure the individuals safety. 7.2Everyone has the inalienable right to be able to make his or her own mistakes in life. No one has the ability to make the right decisions at all times and at times like this people have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and gain a better understanding of how to avoid similar mishaps in future. Risk assessments must allow for an individual to be able to make decisions of their own accord. One of the roles of a support worker is to be sure that individuals are provided with all the relevant information to make an informed and sensible decision but it is not up to them to have the final call on a service users final decision. Risk assessments should always be implemented to prevent a service user from harming themselves or other people but they should not be constraining to the point of refuting an individuals right to make their own decisions in life. 7.3Risk assessments should always be subject to constant change. An individual will be constantly growing and developing and this must at all time be reflected within their risk assessments. The goal of effective support is help empower service users to the point where they feel able to lead an independent and rewarding life. As this is the goal of any support provider they must be aware that for one to achieve this they need to learn to manage the risks that they are subjected to in an independent manner. Therefore as a person grows and develops towards a heightened state of independence it is important to let them take control of their own lives and that means realising that risks that they may have formerly posed a threat to their well being will be withdrawn as they will know how to autonomously manage these hazards themselves.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Sales of Goods Act 1979

Under the Sales of Goods Act 1979 a company has to follow rules and regulations by law; this gives customers certain legal rights such as the right to return an item that may be faulty, if they want a refund or if they want to exchange the item for something else.All customers are entitled to goods that are:As described. Of satisfactory quality. Fit for the purpose.Companies have to abide by the rules and regulations of this law; for example if Tesco were to sell a product that was not of satisfactory quality and not as described this would affect their company as they may face a penalty and/or loose customers.The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008Some companies use misleading methods of advertisement and sales tactics to increase their sales of their products and/or services; therefore the law and rules for consumer protection from unfair trading regulations were implemented to stop companies from using misleading/unethical ways of advertisement. The law protec ts consumers from unfair trading practices, such as:Pressure selling. Misleading product offers. False limited offer notices. Aggressive sales tacticsThis law affects companies as they cannot use misleading ways of advertisement; for example if Tesco used unethical ways of advertising to mislead customers into buying a product of theirs it would be illegal with consequences such as penalties or getting a bad name for their company.Consumer Credit Acts 1974 and 2006The Consumer Credit Acts 1974 and 2006 gives consumers protection when purchasing goods and/or services on credit. If there is an error in the agreement during such purchases consumers will be able to seek legal help. Error during the sale of good and/or services can be prevented; the sales person by law must provide all the important information relating to the sale in order to prevent errors or the company can lose their license through the Office of Fair Trading.This law affects companies such as Tesco as they have to d isclose all important information relating to the sale of goods and/or services they offer and cannot leave out anything during the sale of the goods and/or services – failure to do so may result in them loosing their license through the Office of Fair Trading.Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) RegulationsThis act was implemented in order to protect consumers that purchase goods and/or services over the internet such as; VPN’s, file storage, merchandise and so on; when a consumer purchases such products or services it can be through the following ways:Email Fax Telephone Internet shopping Mail order.This law also protects consumers when getting into a contract with a distance company as they may not get what is expected of the company; customers were given such protection due to not being able to meet with or speak to the supplier/company face-to-face and being unable to see the goods they may be buying. This law effects companies that make long distance selling as they have to be very specific about goods and services they offer or the consumer could claim under the Consumer Protection Regulations for providing wrong or not ‘described as’ goods or services which could cost the company by having to make calls, courier charges to return and refund a customer or legal fees.For example if a company that sells their products online such as ASOS clothing were to show an image of how their product looks and when someone purchases it and it arrives but is different they will have to accept the items return by law if the customer request to return it as it was not as described – this affects ASOS as they have to pay courier charges to accept the returns and then refund the customer so it also becomes time consuming.Data Protection Act 1998The Data Protection Act 1998 is a law designed to protect the personal information of people and also to give people the right to know about information stored about them, however some organisati ons CAN withhold information and doesn’t have to disclose their reason if it is about :The prevention, detection or investigation of a crime. National security or the armed forces. The assessment or collection of tax. Judicial or ministerial appointments.The act controls how personal information about people is used by the government, organisations and businesses. The law does not just apply to government, organisations and businesses; everyone is who is responsible for the collection of personal data has to make sure it is: Used fairly and lawfully.Used for limited, specifically stated purposes. Used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive. Kept for no longer than is absolutely necessary. Handled according to people’s data protection rights. Kept safe and secure. Not transferred outside the UK without adequate protection. However more protection must be used on information such as: The ethnic background of an individual. The religious beliefs of an indiv idual. The health of an individual. The criminal records of an individual.This would affect a company such as Tesco as they cannot just share information about their customers without their permission, which they would need to first obtain so this could become time consuming and cost the Tesco to contact each one of their customers to seek permission to share their information with their partners possibly.Voluntary constraintsCode of Advertising Practice and Advertising Standards Authority; Pressure groups and consumerism; Acceptable languageCode of Advertising Practice and Advertising Standards AuthorityThe ASA is the United Kingdom’s regulator across all advertisement throughout the United Kingdom, however they are a non-statutory organisation and they cannot enforce law on advertisements but their code of advertising practice usually is in line with legislation. The main objective of the ASA is to  make sure all advertisements are legal, decent (not explicit) and truthfu l by implementing their code of advertising practice for companies that make adverts to display their products and services – eg a company cannot make a broadband advert saying you will get this speed when you actually won’t as that would be misleading to consumers.This affects companies such as BT broadband in multiple ways as they cannot just make adverts where they say this is what you’re going to get without being able to back up their advert with evidence or inform consumers that for example speeds may differ depending on areas when advertising broadband.For example if a company such as BT broadband were to make an misleading advertisement about their broadband and it was misleading as it didn’t match their description provided, they would loose customers and also get a bad reputation with people and the ASA.Pressure groups and consumerismPressure groups are known as an ‘interest groups’ or lobby and are an organised group of like-minded individuals that seek to influence government legislation and public policy regarding concerns and priorities they may have; this could be :To promote an interest. To voice consumer concerns. To push for broad policies – e.g. environmental protection.This can affect companies, public policy and government as pressure groups are able to put immense pressure on them if they aren’t happy with their policies, legislations or for a company the way they operate or even treat their customers/staff and so on. Therefore, companies and governments could come under immense pressure to make changes if a pressure group believes there should be changes.For example when Tesco mislead customers into buying horse meat which they  told their customers was chicken, it lead to pressure groups telling people to shop somewhere else instead – this would affect Tesco as they would be loosing customers.Acceptable languageIn companies all staff should use appropriate language no matte r what their audience may be, this could be when making a commercial for T.V, speaking to customers or colleagues; appropriate language could be byAvoiding slang when speaking. Avoiding biased or derogatory comments – e.g. jokes or comments that perpetuate negative stereotypes as this could be found offensive. Being polite – being polite in business is very important as it can build up better relationships between co-workers, colleagues and customers which will be good for business.Failure to use appropriate language in advertisements or by colleagues may reflect against the company giving it a bad image/name and also could create a loss of customers or even the possibility of fines if they offend anyone.For example if Tesco made a T.V commercial that had foul language it would affect their business as it would be unprofessional of them and lead to them getting a bad name for their business; it could also cause them to loose customers as some may find a advert with fou l language offensive.

Ethical Banking in UK Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Ethical Banking in UK - Research Proposal Example This is interesting because the financial sector as a whole is reported to be reeling from the aftereffects of the sub-prime mortgage crisis in the US, the continued depreciation of the US dollar and rising global inflation. In fact, major banks and financial institutions around the world were reported to have suffered losses reaching $435 billion in July 2008, with many banks experiencing severe liquidity problems. Is it possible that ethical banking shields its practitioners from negative external factors We aim to find out the answer to this question. Business ethics in general is the application of moral principles in the making of business decisions (Rushton, 2002)), such that it places a premium on social responsibility. This responsibility represents the positive actions or responses that a company takes to fulfill its responsibilities towards its stakeholders, to the environment and to society as a whole. In the view of some economists, however, there is one and only social responsibility of business: to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits. Thus, when firms experience resource shortages as to threaten their very existence, they attack this problem by cheating on their social responsibility. ... That way, the firms give the false impression that they comply with the rules. To address internal resource shortages, such as inadequate capacity and expertise, they overestimate costs, falsify training records, pay excessive compensation and give undeserved promotions. To address external shortages, such as lack of raw materials, they arrange unethical deals with suppliers or service providers. These activities are taboo to ethical banks. 2. Aim & Objectives2.1 Aim Examine how the operations of ethical banks in UK differ from those of their counterparts in the conventional banking sector to see if the former thrive because of ethical banking or in spite of it. 2.2 Objectives (1) Measure the performance of ethical banks in economic terms to see if it is a feasible or reasonable line of business. (2) Observe how ethical banks compete with conventional banks in terms of profitability, size of clients and quality of service. (3) Discover the reasons that made the owners of ethical banks decide to go into this line of banking. Business ethics in general is the application of moral principles in the making of business decisions (Rushton, 2002)), such that it places a premium on social responsibility. This responsibility represents the positive actions or responses that a company takes to fulfill its responsibilities towards its stakeholders, to the environment and to society as a whole. In the view of some economists, however, there is one and only social responsibility of business: to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits. Thus, when firms experience resource shortages

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Experience with application of theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Experience with application of theory - Essay Example Indeed, it is known in psychology that most people believe in their own personal experience so much that they ignore findings of research, even if the underlying scientific evidence is very compelling (Knapp 1999, p.ix). But after all, this is not always a bad thing that we channel all events in our lives through our personal psychological filters, if we can use this term. What is important, though, that we do not lose the ability to see connections between our experiences and the strict psychological theories that attempt to structure and categorize different elements of our everyday goings-on. In this light, I will try to see how a real-life communication event that I have experienced can be interpreted and analyzed using such aspects of communication theory pertaining to interpersonal communication as the cognitive processing and mechanisms related to the psychological influence. The event that I am about to deal with is the story of friendship between me and my boyfriend Greg, and our friends Andrea and Dany, who have been themselves a couple. In fact, before we met with Greg, Dany had been his good friend, and I, in my turn, had been friends with Andrea. Perhaps it was not really surprising that after I and Greg started going out with each other, it was not long before Andrea and Dany also got acquainted. Soon, they became a couple too, and our friendship obtained a kind of a social symmetry, and perhaps due to that fact grew so that we were spending more time together that we had used to before. As I can clearly see now, by that moment our perception of each other changed and I stopped thinking of Andrea and Dany as of friends who were not completely fitting the lifestyle of me and Greg, for example because before I tended to be worried to let Greg and Dany go out together to some parties because I knew that Dany could be provoking Greg for, well, some ba chelor deeds. On the other hand, I suspect that when I wanted to spend some time with Andrea Greg could be a bit jealous that he was not always able to share the interest in topics which were of concern to us. Now, it does not mean that the mentioned factors completely disappeared after the relationship between Andrea and Dany started. But since that time I began to perceive Dany as a responsible person, and Greg, in his turn, became apparently much more easy about the time that I was spending without him with Andrea. The mentioned changes in attitudes that occurred in me, in my boyfriend, and in our friends already testify to the validity of one of the psychological mechanisms that acts during interpersonal communication and is described by the psychological approach termed constructivism. In general, constructivism belongs to the realm of study of cognitive processing that in psychology investigates information processing as a phenomenon underlying our psychological mechanisms and functions. In its turn, constructivism advances some concepts about the way people learn something and internalize new knowledge on basis of their experiences. One of the plausible mechanisms of learning is enabled by accommodation and assimilation. Assimilation takes place in situations when experiences of people coincide with their internal perception of the world, and therefore new experiences fit into our existing world views. Accommodation happens when there

Monday, August 12, 2019

Qualitative Research Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Qualitative Research Proposal - Essay Example This cost doesn’t account the high cost of  £27 billion due to medical expense increased during same time (4). The alarmingly current situation and it’s accelerated pace of growth has gathered massive attention to cure the menace before it gets beyond the control. There has been increased attention toward finding the reasoning behind constantly rising obesity. Exploring this would help in adjusting life style towards healthy lifestyle habits and saving country from menace before it becomes national curse. It would also be helpful, mainly, for mothers to develop healthy dietary habits in children since early age. Obesity is a measure of an excessive or abnormal fat buildup in a human body that may perhaps harm health. Obesity, measured through BMI (Body Mass Index) is a weight equal to or greater than 30; it is 5 BMI level higher than excessive weight level defined as overweight; as World Health Organization (WHO) defines (5). Citing reason of obesity, WHO states that it is an energy imbalance of calories consumed and expended by the body. It further states this imbalance is created for the reason of either excessive intake of high calorie food or less physical activity that leads to less calorie consumption (5). This research will maintain focus on first section of reason cited by WHO and would explore the impact of behavioral, socio-environmental and genetic aspects of an individual that lead to less consumed calorie than expended. Among large number of behavioral factors studied to date, this study will focus on behavioral factors that are specifically related to dietary habits. Behavioral Factors that lead to obesity has been broadly categorized into three domains in the study of 6; that are: first, excessive food taking; second, less physical activity that that leads to less calorie consumption in caparison with intake; third being excessive diet control