Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Module for Grade English

Selection of Purposes for Collaboration Estimated Time: 10 minutes Choose a unit that you would like to make more collaborative. Review the learning objectives for your unit and brainstorm which objectives might be suitable as purposes for collaboration. Teaching Unit Objectives Suitable for Collaboration Unit 4- The Wedding Dance by Matador Adagio Perform the tribal dance of the lawful Present a choral singing of the song â€Å"Letting Go† Make a travelogue about Baggie City featuring the alfalfa belief, customs and traditionsActivity 4: Collaborators and Tools Estimated Time: 20 minutes Describe your plan for Including collaboration In your unit In the table below. (Note: If you have multiple collaborative activities, with unique dimensions, you may want to create separate tables for each by copying and pasting the table for another set. ) Note: You will complete the Digital Tool section of your plan in Module 3. Purpose Scope Type Collaborators Digital Tool To maximize the participation of the students In their group activity Each group will be given 20 malls. Per session which will last for a week to prepare for the presentation Group activelyStudents of Grade 7-A Tribal dance- (You Tube) Travelogue- (Yahoo, Google, Electronic Publication) Brief Description of Possible Collaborative Activity(sees): -Students who belong to the group of tribal dance will research on the internet particularly in you tube on how to perform the dance, one of them may act as the choreographer, costume designer, technical director and the others will be the dancers -For the choral singing group, they may open the You Tube to search for the lyric, tone and singer of the song or they may refer to a recorded music, to maximize their participation, one of them may act as the conductress, musician, costume signer, technical director and the rest are choral singers. – The travelogue group, they will use the electronic publication software for the lay out of the travelogue. They may also surf on the internet for the beliefs, customs and traditions of the lawful or they may search for the photos of Baggie City to be included in their travelogue.One of them may be the editor, feature writer, photographer, lay out artist, researcher, compiler, the money keeper, the auditor and the rest are the presenters to be able to maximize the participation of each. Lesson 3: Assessment in Collaborative Classrooms Activity 3: Self- and Peer Assessment of Collaboration Describe how you might use the collaboration assessments you saved. Assessment How You Will Use It K-W-L-H Chart At the start of the discussion, I will let the students fill in the K-W-L chart for their assign activity and use this information in planning what to teach Collaboration Checklist Students will fill out collaboration checklist after each activity to assess how much monitor their progress individually.Problem solving checklist Students will fill out this checklist after each activity to monit or the difficulties that they have encountered during the project. They will exchange checklist with their group mates to be able to evaluate if they have the same difficulty and will find solution to the problem. I will use this checklist to identify the difficulty of the project and be able to adjust my activities. Lesson 4: Module Review Activity 1: Module Summary Think about the design of collaborative activities and the assessment of collaboration skills as you reflect on your learning in this module. Designing a collaborative activity is not an easy task.We must consider how to group the learners, what would be our basis in grouping them, what activity must suit to the opacities of the learners per group and how are we going to assess their work since it is a group activity. Aside from that, we must closely monitor each learner while doing the activity because sometimes we cannot avoid misunderstanding to occur between or among group mates which if not immediately address, res ults to ruined or unfinished activity. I am happy that I have gained a lot of ideas on how to improve the design of my collaborative activities with the integration of the online tools. Hope I can learn more about on line tools so that I can apply them to my learners very soon.

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